
Nature is almost the opposite of technology, as it encompasses that which mankind did not create. I like unaltered nature, but also, gardening, which is how mankind participates and cooperates with nature. Farming is large-scale gardening and today we have many issue with that.

California Native Plants - I am a volunteer for Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden (RSABG.ORG) and from 2010-2012 I wrote a monthly article for the volunteer newsletter "Oak Notes" called "Plant of the Month".

California Native Plants Google+ Community - I started a community on G+ to discuss natives. Come join in the conversation!

My Claremont Garden - Pictures of my garden in Claremont, CA with native plants, fruit trees and a cultivated vegetable garden. Some checking that hung out with us at one time, too!

Canning Tomatoes Through Google Glass - I like preserving food and I made these videos using my Google Glass showing how to can tomatoes. Posted on my occasional blog.